April 13

5 Important Dhikrs to Indulge In This Ramadan

What does dhikr really mean? How can we implement and make it a habit to be in a constant state of dhikr to achieve closeness?

Dhikr of Allah can be translated as remembrance/to be able to recall/ to mention about Allah. It isn’t just limited to certain duas you recite. Anything that reminds your mind and heart about Allah swt, (in turn making you mention His name and showering Praises and gratitude on Him) is also considered dhikr.

Here are 5 easy to-do dhikrs this Ramadan!

Want forgiveness? Do dhikr.

The Prophet ﷺ said that Allah has angels roaming the roads to find the gatherings of dhikr. When they find a group of people reciting dhikr, they call each other and encompass them in layers reaching up to the first heaven. These people who are busy glorifying Allah (tahmid), praising Him(tasbih), magnifying His Name (takbir), and giving Him the best Attributes (tamjid) will be granted forgiveness and made to enter jannah! (at Tirmidhi)

This mind blowing hadeeth talks about how Allah would forgive you if you could just recite
subhanAllah, Alhamdulillah and allahu akbar. So, before moving on to read the rest of the
article, recite these words sincerely from the depths of your heart right now.

Want something very, very very badly? Do dhikr.

When you are given what you like, say alhamdulilllah.

When a calamity befalls you, say Alhamdulillah.

Why you may ask, read on.
Allah says that when you remember Allah’s blessings and thank Him by being grateful, He will increase for you. (Quran, 14:7)

It could be an increase in your wealth, your barakah in life, increase in love between you and your family members, increase in sustenance, it could be anything. But what are you required to do? Be grateful!

  • Thank Him for whatever He’s blessed you with.
  • Be grateful for being saved from whatever hardship or disaster that might have befallen you.
  • And most importantly, thank Him even for those “calamities” or “disasters” that have struck your life. They may be a means of your sins being cleansed or a means of He drawing you closer to Him!

Want a peaceful mind and heart? Do dhikr.

Everyone at some point or another in their lives go through emotional battles and heartbreaks in varying degrees. The pain could be emotional or physical, tangible or intangible. The fastest way to heal a heart that is bruised is to do dhikr. Remember Allah, talk to Him, engage Him in whatever you do.

A heart that is mindful of Allah swt will never spend its time harboring ill feelings of jealousy, malice or sadness about this dunya, because its drowning in glorying the Lord, who is close to the caller.

Light on scale, heavy on tongue…

Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, “Whoever says ‘Subhan Allah wa bihamdihi,’ one hundred times a day, will be forgiven all his sins even if they were as much as the foam of the sea. (Bukhari)

Make your own special entry into Jannah!

When you say,

“La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah” (“There is no power or might except (by) Allah.”)

You will enter through a special door in Paradise for those who oft use this remembrance. Make
it a habit to say this as much as you can, whenever you can.

Repentance – A Great Form Of Dhikr.

Want to remove the difficulties facing in your life? Repent!
Want to have increase in rizk? Repent!
Want your duas answered? Repent!

Sins form a barrier between you and your duas. The fastest way to break this barrier is to repent. Our Prophet (pbuh) used to repent more than 100 times a day! What about slaves like you and me who falter so often and yet don’t utter one word of astaghfirullah with a sincere heart!

Engage your mind, tongue and heart while remembering your Lord. May Allah swt make us of those who can busy ourselves in remembering Him in every breath of our lives. Ameen


children, dhikr, duas, forgiveness, grateful, Jannah, Muslim Kids TV, Ramadan, repentance

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