Exclusive Ramadan Ready Digital Camp starting February 13th

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Get your kids ready for Ramadan with Muslim Kids TV!

Join our online camp that will blend storytelling sessions with interactive learning techniques to keep your children hooked AND get them ready for Ramadan!

Oh...and there's going to be a splash of art and craft activities to keep things exciting and entertaining! Register now for a faith-filled adventure!

Wondering how to incorporate the spirit of Ramadan into your children's lives?
Want your child to make the most of the blessed month but don't know where or how to start?

Every year, we make plans for Ramadan, hoping it would be our best one yet, however, there are times when we fall short of your goals. It could be because of time constraints or unexpected chores. As parents, things are always hectic leaving us drained physically, emotionally and spiritually. We have very little left to nurture the imaan of our kids during Ramadan.

We heard you, and we've got an exciting camp just to get your kids ready for Ramadan! 

Winter's chill is settling in, but we have the right blend of warmth and wisdom to get your young ones into the spirit of Ramadan. Join us for an engaging, enriching, and exciting virtual camp designed for Muslim families worldwide. Watch your kids glow with 'ilm and soar towards the gates of Jannah in sha Allah. 

100% free for Muslim Kids TV subscribers!

Our Camp Program

With interactive sessions designed to teach and touch your child's heart, our Ramadan Ready camp will stir the souls and inspire the minds of our little ummah.

Explore the Majesty of Quran with Ustadh Hamza

Introducing Ustaz Hamza whose lessons go beyond mere recitation. 

  • Quran Memorization: With powerful memorization techniques, your child can begin AND ace his/her hifdh journey. 
  • Calligraphy Workshops: Imagine learning to write the beautiful Arabic script from the comforts of your home. That’s exactly what’s in store!
Foster Good Character with Ustadh Shabbir

Ustadh Shabbir will teach patience and manners by bringing the stories of Prophets to life.

  • Live Storytelling from Surah Yusuf: Captivating tales that unfold the layers of patience and integrity found in the life of Yusuf (AS).

  • Character Building Activities: Interactive sessions that encourage children to adopt these virtues in their day-to-day life.

Ramadan as a Family with Sara Khan

Introducing Sara Khan, the best-selling author whose sessions will weave together:

  • Live Storytelling: Reading from Sara Khan's new book Ramadan and Eid al Fitr
  • Quiz competition: An intensive quiz based on the live story
  • Writing activity: Learn how to put together your own story with an author's help!

Program Schedule

Feb 13th-15th (10.30 AM - 11.45 AM GMT)


Day 1: Connect with the Quran (February 13th, 2024)

Connect your child to the words of Allah by developing a deep bond with the Glorious Quran. Allow the words of Allah to enter your child's heart and move their souls.


Day 2: Manners and Patience (February 14th, 2024)

Our host will bring the incredible story of Prophet Yusuf (AS) and his amazing patience to life.  Watch out for some heart touching moments!  


Day 3: Ramadan and Family (February 15th, 2024)

Listen to a live storytelling of an amazing tale about a family's celebration of Ramadan and Eid, and learn  to create your own story.

Here's what Muslim Kids and Parents have said about past events!

Mother from Canada

"A Great Camp"

JazakAllah khayr for organizing such a great camp. My kids fully enjoyed it, and they are trying to memorize the 99 names of Allah.

Mother from UK

"Kids had a great time!" 

JazakAllah khayr to MKTV for organizing such a great camp, the kids really had a great time and learned so much, looking forward to many more camps to come. 

Mother from UK

"A great experience for our family"

"Muslim kids TV camp was a great experience for our family and In Shaa Allah if Allah wills we will join the next Muslim kids tv session."

Great prizes available for your little ones!

Meet our hosts

Ustaz Hamza

Community Leader

ABout the host

From receiving accolades in Madinah to captivating young hearts in the UK, his life is a testament to the love of the Quran.

Sara Khan

Bestselling Author

ABout the host

Bestselling author of Islamic children's books, a linguist, and a translator, celebrated for making Islamic teachings accessible to young readers.

Ustadh Shabbir Hassan

Author, Teacher, Coach

ABout the host

An author, teacher, and spiritual coach, Ustadh Shabbir's insights are like pearls of wisdom for the young and aspiring.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Does the Event Cost?

The event is 100% free to Muslim Kids TV subscribers!

What if I am not a subscriber of MKTV?

No problem! You can start a free trial by clicking here. Plans are only $9.99 a month!

How Do I Sign-up My Kids?

Simply click the register button or visit the 'Webinars' page on Muslim Kids TV and click 'Reserve Your Space'

We look forward to having you join us!

We built Muslim Kids TV because we believe our kids deserve the very best quality entertainment and educational material to help them grow into strong Muslim leaders insha'Allah.

We can't wait to have you and your family join us on this journey towards a better future!

-Michael Milo

Our event starts soon, sign-up before it's too late!

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